Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Latin I:  Today we corrected the translation of A Summer Afternoon in chapter two. We worked on distinguishing the singular and plural forms of verbs: habitat = she lives; habitant = they live. Students completed exercise 2b in class.

We went over the beginning of the timeline of Ancient Rome (found on pg. 323 of your textbook), up to the end of the Republic. This wasn't very detailed, but focused on the change from a system of government set up around a king, to a democracy, called the Republic. Maintaining an army was the most important role of the government, because Rome was constantly expanding and defending its borders. We watched the first part of Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire.

There is no homework over the weekend. If you are feeling shaky about what we've covered so far, spend some time with your textbook over the weekend! I am available at lunch and during tutorial on Tuesday.

Latin II:  Today we correct the translation of Why is Sextus a Pest? in chapter 16. We also answered the questions after the story. Important phrases from this story:  nihil facere Sextum taedebat; in animo habebat; visne pila ludere?

We began to study the Regal Period in Roman history: 753 - 509 BC, a time during which Rome was ruled by a series of 7 kings. There is information about them on pp. 109-111 of your book. We will be doing further readings about the kings next week.

There is no homework over the weekend. This would be an excellent time to become very comfortable with the first declension (puella, puellae. . . ). Can you quickly recognize the case of a 1st declension noun? Here is a exercise to help you.