Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Here is a practice exercise for using adjective/noun pairs. It will also help you practice prepositional phrases. If you do not remember the case taken by a preposition, look in the glossary at the back of the textbook.

Using the nouns and adjectives below, fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the noun/adjective pair.

EXAMPLE:  Rūsticī in vehiculum tardum cadunt.  (The peasants are falling into the slow vehicle.) accusative case (“into”) with in.

Canēs prope ______________________________ sedēbant. (The dogs were sitting near the large trees.)

Rōmānī perterritī ex __________________________ currēbant. (Terrified Romans were running out of all the houses.)

Cornēliī _____________________________ , quī valdē senex est, vident. (The Cornelians see the shaky innkeeper, who is very old.)

Māter cum ___________________________ ambulābat. (The mother walked with the terrified brothers.)

Tandem _________________________ ad caupōnam adveniunt. (At last the weak travelers arrive at the inn.)

In ______________________________ pernoctātis, viātōrēs?  (In what sort of inn are you staying, travelers?)

Cornēlia ad _____________________________ appropinquābat. (Cornēlia approached her brave friend.)

__________________________ per ___________________________ ambulābant. (The terrified travelers walked through the shaky inn.)

vīlla, -ae, f.    arbor, arboris, f.    frāter, frātris, m.    caupō, caupōnis, m.   
 viātor, viātōris, m.    amīca, -ae, f.     caupōna, -ae, f.

magnus, -a, -um    īnfirmus, -a, -um    perterritus, -a, -um      tardus, -a, -um

omnis, -is, -e      fortis, -is, -e      quālis, -is, -e     

Click here for the answers.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thursday, October 31, will NOT have the Unit Two final test. We WILL have a QUIZ on vocabulary from chapters 17 & 18, as well as noun/adjective agreement. This will give you an indication of where you stand vis-a-vis the material in Unit Two.

The Unit Two final test will be on Thursday, November 7. Please prepare accordingly!!

7 Kings of Rome Project:

I have listed Project Criteria for your projects. I tried to include every kind of project - if you don't see your project listed here, please see me on Thursday.

Click here for a list of criteria. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

You have no homework for Tuesday, 10/29. I would strongly urge you to practice noun/adjective declensions! Go back through recent blog posts if you need some practice work. You can also use

Here is a quick exercise to "test" the strength of your knowledge of noun and adjective cases:

Choose the best form of the adjective to match the noun in italics. Know how to translate each sentence!

1. Puellae _____________ arborēs ascendere volunt.  (strēnuus, -a, um)

2. Cornēlius puerōs _____________ revocant quod praecurrunt in viam. (fortis, -is, -e)

3.  Cornēlia cum mātre ______________ in raedā sedēbat. (dēfessus, -a, -um)

4. Iter ad urbe nōn est _______________. (brevis, -is, -e)

5. ___________ tempore Cornēliī parātī sunt. (brevis, -is, e)

6. Togae ________________ hominum novae erant. (omnis, -is, -e)

7. Canis sororis ________________ est magnus. (meus, -a, -um)

8. Rōmānī  saepe in _______________ urbibus habitābant.  (magnus, -a, um)

Click here for the answers!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm sorry I missed you all on Thursday! I will be back on Monday.

Your homework for Monday is exercise 18c in the textbook. You'll need to refer to the chart of adjectives in chapter 18. Here is a chart of the adjectives you will be identifying in 18c. Don't forget that you also need to translate each sentence!

1. omnēs
2. omnium
3. omnī
4. fortis
5. Omnēs
6. fortem; omnēs
7. fortis
8. fortis
9. omnēs
10. Brevia

For each adjective, give a) the noun it modified and b) the gender, case and number (singular or plural). This will give you a lot of familiarity with the 3rd declension adejctive chart.

If you want some additional practice, try declining puella fortis, puellae fortis (brave girl) and  baculum brevis, baculī fortis (short stick).

Click here for the answers!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Homework for Thursday is to review chapter 18 vocabulary (from handout, from the textbook, or from Become as familiar as you can with these words!

Please remember to register for the Reed College Latin Forum on Nov. 9, using this link:

Monday, October 21, 2013

Your homework for tomorrow is the FINAL DRAFT of the translation of One Hero Wins a War.

Here is a quick reminder about using the ABLATIVE CASE:

1) with some prepositions: think of the House of Ablative - the prepositions that are less "aggressive".
From (ex/ē, ab/ā), In (as opposed to into), Under, With - the prepositions that are less active and forceful than the prepositions that take the accusative case.

Sextus ex arbore dēscendit.
Cornēlia cum amīcā Flāviā manēre vult.
Cornēlius in vīllā sedet quod epistulās scrībit.

2) ablative of time: shows WHEN something happens

Secundā horā diēs erat calidus. (at the second hour)
Plaustrum onus nocte fert. (at night)

3) ablative of manner: how something is being done

Aurēlia ancillās magnā vōce reprehendit.  (in a loud voice)
Dāvus Getam tunicā arripit.  (by the tunic)

4) ablative of instrument/means: with what thing something is being done

Dāvus Getam baculō verberat.  (with a stick)
Cornēliī raedā Rōmam eunt. (by carriage)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

You have no particular homework for Monday. The final draft of "One Hero Wins a War" is due on Tuesday. If you have NOT done the last 2 assignments (Review III, exercise a, b, c, OR d and the declension of nomen bonum, nominis bonī) you should complete those!

Here is some declension practice for you:

Give the case(s) of the following noun/adjective pairs:

     mātrēs dēfessae  (1 case)

     puerī laetī  (2 cases)

     nōmina longa [nōmen is neuter]  (2 cases)

     vōce magnā  (1 case)

     servōrum bonōrum  (1 case)

     frātrum ignāvōrum  (1 case)

     urbibus magnīs  (2 cases)

     pātrēs īrātōs  (1 case)

     mātrem laetam (1 case)

     sororēs laetās  (1 case)

Click here for the answers!

Remember, there is a folder on, "Latin II Chapter 17", that has activities to practice the concepts we've been learning. Here is the link.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Homework for Thursday, Oct. 17:

Finish your rough draft of One Hero Wins a War, if you didn't finish it in class. Click here for some reading notes to help you.

Decline nōmen bonus, nōminis bonī - be sure you understand what declension nōmen belongs to (1st, 2nd, 3rd). The adjective is from the 1st/2nd declension family. Also be sure you know what gender nōmen is (the form of bonus, -a, -um will help you).
REGISTER NOW for the REED COLLEGE LATIN FORUM! The Latin Forum will take place on Nov. 9, 2013 (Saturday). It lasts for a good part of the day (about 9:30 - 3:00) but it is WORTH it!

Here is the link:

You will see the Registration link on the left side of the page.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

If you would like to practice noun/adjective declensions, try doing these:

murmur longum, murmuris longī

caupō bonus, caupōnis bonī

arbor magna, arboris magnae

Click here to correct your work.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Homework for next Monday (follows a Tuesday schedule):

1) Translate the first paragraph (4 1/2 lines) of One Hero Wins a War on p. 134

2) choice of any of the first four exercises in Review III (a, b, c or d).  Choose which exercise is most useful to you. The page numbers that apply to each review exercise are given in the upper right-hand corner; if you have trouble, check out those pages!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

There is a quiz on Thursday on Chapter 17  vocabulary and the present tense of irregular verbs.

Click here for an outline of Unit Two (Chapters 17-18).

If you would like to practice the declension of noun/adjective pairs (the warm-up on Tuesday), here are some combinations to try:

   soror laeta, sororis laetae

   vehiculum tardum, vehiculī tardī

   clāmor magnus, clāmoris magnī

Click here for the answers.

Hint: the form of the adjective in the nominative singular indicates gender:
laeta = feminine; tardum = neuter; magnus = masculine

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, Oct. 8 (remember, Monday, Oct. 7 will follow a Friday schedule):

Turn in your final draft of the Chapter 17 story.

Click here for an overview of adjectives and how they work.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homework for Thursday is to complete your rough draft of the story in Chapter 17: Do We  Stay At An Inn?

If you are practicing noun declensions, try these:

murmur, murmuris (neuter)

nōx, noctis (feminine)

pater, patris  (masculine)

Click here to check yourself.