Wednesday, December 18, 2013

There is a test tomorrow on Unit 3 - it will include:
- declension of nouns and adjectives
- conjugation of verbs in 3 tenses
- principal parts of verbs
- translation of chapters
- vocabulary from chapters 19 & 20
- subordinate clauses beginning with dum

Click here for the answer sheet to the practice exercises we worked on yesterday.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

In preparation for the test on Tuesday, you should work for at least 20 minutes on the review sheets handed out in class.

Click here for an explanation of Subordinate Clauses beginning with Dum.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today we did a self-assessment on translating and identifying noun cases and verb tenses. Click here for a copy.

The homework for Thursday is 20d, even numbered sentences. You only have to translate the sentences but be ready to identify infinitives.

There is also a verb quiz on Thursday! Click here  for a list of all the principal parts for Unit 3. You are responsible for learning all of them!

We ended class with a discussion about subordinate clauses beginning with DUM. These clauses observe special rules in Latin. Page 161 has a short explanation and I will have a handout for you soon.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Homework for Tuesday: Complete a final draft of the chapter 20 translation, using feedback you got today.

Verb Practice:

conjugate amo, amare in the 3 tenses we have learned.

conjugate audio, audire in the 3 tenses we have learned.

For answers, click here.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Homework for Monday:
Choice of 20b in textbook OR handout on 4th principal parts. Click here for a copy of the handout.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Here's a practice activity pertaining to the perfect tense:

Try conjugating these verbs in the perfect tense, remembering these personal endings:

-ī    -imus
-istī    -istis
-it    -ērunt

mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus - to send
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus - to be
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus - to order

For the answers, click here.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Homework for Thursday:

1) study for the quiz! Check yesterday's blog entry for the new verbs; remember that you are still responsible for the verbs you learned for the last quiz.

2) finish your rough draft of the chapter 20 translation. Leave spaces if there are constructions that are difficult for you - we will go over this on Thursday!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Today we practiced translating chapter 19 without the book and reviewed chapter 19 vocabulary. I handed quite a bit of work back. Tuesday and Thursday you will have some time to work on translations you haven't completed - if you have a large backlog you will need to do some at home!!

This Thursday there will be another verb quiz. You will need to know the principal parts of all the verbs from the last quiz PLUS:

neco, necare
maneo, manere (with a macron)
iubeo, iubere (with a macron)
iacio, iacere
duco, ducere
peto, petere
custodio, custodire
dormio, dormire
volo, velle
nolo, nolle

Homework for Tuesday: spend at least 20 minutes on the translation of the chapter 20 story.