Monday, December 2, 2013

Today we practiced translating chapter 19 without the book and reviewed chapter 19 vocabulary. I handed quite a bit of work back. Tuesday and Thursday you will have some time to work on translations you haven't completed - if you have a large backlog you will need to do some at home!!

This Thursday there will be another verb quiz. You will need to know the principal parts of all the verbs from the last quiz PLUS:

neco, necare
maneo, manere (with a macron)
iubeo, iubere (with a macron)
iacio, iacere
duco, ducere
peto, petere
custodio, custodire
dormio, dormire
volo, velle
nolo, nolle

Homework for Tuesday: spend at least 20 minutes on the translation of the chapter 20 story.