Monday, April 29, 2013

Latin I: Please complete the verb conjugation chart in the present tense. If you need to use a chart, spend some time memorizing forms as you go. Click here for a copy of the homework.

Latin II: Please finish translating the story in chapter 29. Watch verb tenses - lines 5 - 12 are in the "historic present tense", for the most part. Then the story goes back into the past tense.

Looking ahead, we will work on verb conjugations on Wed., as well as memorizing the charts on pp. 14-15.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Latin I: The homework for Monday is to finish translating the story on page 94. If you get stuck, leave some space and then keep going! For places where you are stuck, you will need to be able to identify the verb, the subject and the direct object, if there is one.

If you were absent for the test on Wednesday, please come in during tutorial next Tuesday to make it up. If you can't come in next Tuesday, you MUST make alternative arrangements by the end of next week.

Latin II: No homework over the weekend. If any of the material on the test was challenging, I urge you to practice on It only gets harder in the next month, as we add more grammar and vocabulary!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Latin I: There is an OPTIONAL assignment for extra credit due on Friday: Review II, exercise d, on page 94. This is especially useful if you are fuzzy about using different cases of nouns. It must be turned in on Friday to get extra credit.

Latin II: CHAPTER TEST on Friday on chapters 27-28. You should know the personal pronouns and the relative pronouns well as well as how to use them. There are not many new verbs but I will continue to test you on the principal parts of irregular verbs and conjugating verbs in all 6 tenses. has some useful activities!1 (Link in upper right corner).

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Latin I: The CHAPTER TEST on chapters 11-12 will be next Wednesday. is a great place to practice noun cases, use of the genitive and use of the ablative cases. Click here for a activity. Once you've done this activity, you can take a look at the other activities for chapters 11 and 12.

Click here for the answers to the Test Review Sheet.

Click here for a worksheet of verb practice questions. 

Latin II: The CHAPTER TEST on chapters 27-28 will be next Friday. You will need to know the relative pronoun chart by heart (qui, quae, quod). Check for help in preparing for the test.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Latin I: Homework for Friday is exercise 12d. Note that in sentence #2, the verb STANT = THEY STAND.

Next week we have a different schedule at Grant. I won't see you until Wed., which is following a FRIDAY schedule. We will have a chapter test that Wed. (April 24). Click here to see the review materials we are working on in class.

Latin II: Homework for Friday is exercise 28d. You do need to follow all the steps: 1) translate the sentence; 2) find the relative pronoun; 3) give the GENDER, NUMBER (singular/plural) and CASE for each relative pronoun.

In these sentences, the relative pronoun is not separated by commas because it does not "interrupt" the main clause. That means you are able to read each clause in its entirety, before going on to the next one.

Here is #1 done for you:

Sextus is an active boy (main clause) who often runs in the fields and in the garden (relative clause). Qui is the relative pronoun. It is masculine singular (because it replaces Sextus) and it is in the nominative case, because it is the subject of currit.

Note that I was able to translate the entire main clause before even seeing the relative clause.

By the way, each of these sentences has appeared in a story in Ecce Romani.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Latin I: Today we practiced the different endings of  nouns and the use of the ablative case. Homework is a handout. Click here for a pdf of the homework.

Latin II: Homework for Wednesday is the translation of chapter 28. It is SHORT!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Latin I: Your homework is to finish the chapter 12 translation for Wednesday. If you had trouble giving the genitive, accusative and ablative forms of 1st and 2nd declension nouns, please spend 5-10 minutes practicing them.

Latin II: Your homework is to choose an exercise from Review VI (pp. 262-263) except VIa. Pick an exercise that covers something you need to review! Please  complete that exercise for Wednesday.

In class today we worked on several of the nouns in exercise VIa: #'s 1, 4, 6, 7, 13, 15. You can try them at home if you were not in class!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Latin I: There is NO HOMEWORK over the weekend, BUT: all third quarter work is due on Monday, April 8. Anything handed in after the 8th will not show up on your 3rd quarter grade.

Latin II: There is NO HOMEWORK over the weekend, but there will be a quiz on Monday on the first 2 personal pronoun charts. Click here for the answers to the handout we worked on in class on Friday.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Latin I: Your homework for Friday is the quiz, What Case Do I Use?, on You are going to log in to your class (5th period here or 6th period here) and take the quiz. You will need to enter your name to get credit. You can repeat the quiz until you have at least 23 correct answers. You will not get full credit if you have fewer correct answers.

Remember, there is a quiz on Friday on the genitive case and the vocabulary on page 82.

Latin II: Learn the first two personal pronoun charts (is, ea, id and ego, tu, nos, vos).

Monday, April 1, 2013

Latin I: Your homework for Wednesday is exercise 11c. Please a) give the Latin words with the genitive endings and b) translate the sentences.

There will be a QUIZ on Friday (4/5) on the genitive case. You will need to know the vocabulary on page 82 and the genitive singular and plural endings for declensions 1, 2, and 3.

Your last chance to earn credit for the chapter 10 translation is this Wed. (4/3). I will not accept translations after Wed.

Latin II: Your homework for Wed. is to finish the translation of chapter 27. If you finished in class, spend a little time on the principal parts of the verbs in chapter 27. Here is a link to a exercise you can use.