Your homework for tomorrow is the FINAL DRAFT of the translation of One Hero Wins a War.
Here is a quick reminder about using the ABLATIVE CASE:
1) with some prepositions: think of the House of Ablative - the prepositions that are less "aggressive".
From (ex/ē, ab/ā), In (as opposed to into), Under, With - the prepositions that are less active and forceful than the prepositions that take the accusative case.
Sextus ex arbore dēscendit.
Cornēlia cum amīcā Flāviā manēre vult.
Cornēlius in vīllā sedet quod epistulās scrībit.
2) ablative of time: shows WHEN something happens
Secundā horā diēs erat calidus. (at the second hour)
Plaustrum onus nocte fert. (at night)
3) ablative of manner: how something is being done
Aurēlia ancillās magnā vōce reprehendit. (in a loud voice)
Dāvus Getam tunicā arripit. (by the tunic)
4) ablative of instrument/means: with what thing something is being done
Dāvus Getam baculō verberat. (with a stick)
Cornēliī raedā Rōmam eunt. (by carriage)