You have no particular homework for Monday. The final draft of "One Hero Wins a War" is due on Tuesday. If you have NOT done the last 2 assignments (Review III, exercise a, b, c, OR d and the declension of nomen bonum, nominis bonī) you should complete those!
Here is some declension practice for you:
Give the case(s) of the following noun/adjective pairs:
mātrēs dēfessae (1 case)
puerī laetī (2 cases)
nōmina longa [nōmen is neuter] (2 cases)
vōce magnā (1 case)
servōrum bonōrum (1 case)
frātrum ignāvōrum (1 case)
urbibus magnīs (2 cases)
pātrēs īrātōs (1 case)
mātrem laetam (1 case)
sororēs laetās (1 case)
Click here for the answers!
Remember, there is a folder on, "Latin II Chapter 17", that has activities to practice the concepts we've been learning. Here is the link.