Monday, October 28, 2013

You have no homework for Tuesday, 10/29. I would strongly urge you to practice noun/adjective declensions! Go back through recent blog posts if you need some practice work. You can also use

Here is a quick exercise to "test" the strength of your knowledge of noun and adjective cases:

Choose the best form of the adjective to match the noun in italics. Know how to translate each sentence!

1. Puellae _____________ arborēs ascendere volunt.  (strēnuus, -a, um)

2. Cornēlius puerōs _____________ revocant quod praecurrunt in viam. (fortis, -is, -e)

3.  Cornēlia cum mātre ______________ in raedā sedēbat. (dēfessus, -a, -um)

4. Iter ad urbe nōn est _______________. (brevis, -is, -e)

5. ___________ tempore Cornēliī parātī sunt. (brevis, -is, e)

6. Togae ________________ hominum novae erant. (omnis, -is, -e)

7. Canis sororis ________________ est magnus. (meus, -a, -um)

8. Rōmānī  saepe in _______________ urbibus habitābant.  (magnus, -a, um)

Click here for the answers!