I'm sorry I missed you all on Thursday! I will be back on Monday.
Your homework for Monday is exercise 18c in the textbook. You'll need to refer to the chart of adjectives in chapter 18. Here is a chart of the adjectives you will be identifying in 18c. Don't forget that you also need to translate each sentence!
1. omnēs
2. omnium
3. omnī
4. fortis
5. Omnēs
6. fortem; omnēs
7. fortis
8. fortis
9. omnēs
10. Brevia
For each adjective, give a) the noun it modified and b) the gender, case and number (singular or plural). This will give you a lot of familiarity with the 3rd declension adejctive chart.
If you want some additional practice, try declining puella fortis, puellae fortis (brave girl) and baculum brevis, baculī fortis (short stick).
Click here for the answers!