Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Don't forget to register on-line for the Reed College Latin Forum!! Link is below.
Latin I:
Homework is to finish 5c, if you did not do it in class. Remember these verb endings:
    -o (curro, amo, volo) means I = subject (I run, I like, I want)
    -s (curris, amas) means you = subject (you run, you like)
    -t (currit, amat, vult) means he/she/it = subject (he runs, she likes, he wants)
   -nt (currunt, amant, volunt) means they = subject (they run, they like, they want)

    -re = infinitive
    amare = to like
    currere = to run
    ambulare = to walk

There is a QUIZ on Friday covering:
    the starred words on the chapter 5 vocabulary handout
    being able to find the direct object
     being able to tell what "nominative case" and "accusative case" means (part of today's warm up)

Latin II:
Homework is 19b on page 152.
Remember, EVERY verb ends in -it in the 3rd person singular and -erunt (with a macron over the e) in the third person plural, no matter what the conjugation.
If you don't know what the infinitive is, look in the glossary at the end of the book and skim the verbs beginning with that letter. You will find it!