Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What you need to know for the final exam:

You can have a 3 x 5 index card, written on one side (handwritten, please) with notes for the final.

Please be able to decline nouns and the demonstrative pronouns (hic and ille).
Be able to conjugate a verb, given the principal parts, in the 6 active tenses.
Be able to recognize and translate the passive forms of verbs in the present, imperfect and future tenses. Be able to change active forms of verbs to passive forms, and translate!

Know the vocabulary through chapter 30, with special emphasis on chapters 28-30 (no principal parts).
Be able to translate the chapter stories in chapters 28, 29, and 30.

Recognize and be able to translate the 4th principal part of a verb used as an adjective:
            Marcus, metu commotus (Marcus, struck by fear. . . . )
            Cornelia, sonitu in via excitata (Cornelia, awoken by the noise in the street. . . . )

Be able to recognize noun cases and describe their usage.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Please complete worksheet 30d, e as your LAST Latin assignment! Due Monday. For a copy, click here.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Your homework for Tuesday is to translate the story in chapter 30 for at least 20 minutes. Try to get to the end of the story!

Friday, May 30, 2014

We are almost finished! Chapter 30 is the last chapter we will cover before the final exam. Your homework for Monday is to complete the worksheet that introduces the passive voice. You will use the chart on pg. 24 to conjugate 4 regular verbs IN THE PASSIVE VOICE! Try to spot the patterns and learn them as you go - it will make chapter 30 easier for you. Click here for a copy of the worksheet.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

There is no homework for Thursday, because there is a TEST on chapters 28-29 on Thursday! Seniors, this will serve as your final exam, and you will have at least one noun declension and several verb conjugations to do.

What you need to know:

the relative pronoun chart
how to pick the correct relative pronoun
how to combine two sentences into one, longer sentence containing a relative clause (what we practiced on Tuesday in class)
vocabulary and principal parts for chapters 28 and 29
how to translate the two stories

Here are some practice activities:

Combine the two sentences, using a relative pronoun. The English equivalent is given for you.


Servī sellās ad tabernam portābant.
Taberna prope Forum est.

Servī sellās ad tabernam, quae est prope Forum, portābant.
Slaves were carrying the sedan chairs to the shop, which is near the Forum.

Ancillae fabulās narrābant.
    Fabulae līberōs terrēbant.

The slavewomen were telling stories that scared the children.

Nōmen ancillae novae est Elissa.
     Syra et Phrygia ancillam novam salūtant.

Syra and Phrygia greet the new slavewoman, whose name is Elissa.

Canēs latrābant ferociter.
     Servī cum canibus currēbant.

The dogs, with whom/which the slaves were running, were barking fiercely.

Vīlla est sub quibusdam arboribus.
     Vīllam ancillae purgant.

The country house, which the slavewomen clean, is under some trees.

Senātōrēs vīdī.
     Senātōrēs ē Curiā exierant.

I saw the senators who had come out of the Senate House.

Multī cīvēs praeclārī in sepulcra sunt.
     Sepulcra Mārcus et Sextus cōnspexērunt.

Many well-known citizens are in the tombs that Marcus and Sextus spotted.

Click here for the answers.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

There is no homework for Thursday because you have a quiz on Chapter 28 & Chapter 29 vocabulary. Here is a link to the quia.com page for chapter 28.

Here is a link to the quia.com page for chapter 29. There are other activities there, too, which will help you learn the pronoun charts.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Homework for Tuesday: 29d. Pick the correct Latin pronoun, then translate each sentence.

Thursday: vocabulary quiz (including principal parts) for chapters 28 & 29; also a writing assignment (in-class) about Hercules so BRING YOUR MOVIE NOTES!!

There are several new charts in this chapter - the indefinite pronoun and the interrogative pronoun charts do not need to be memorized, but you will need to recognize them and be able to translate them. We will be working on this a lot in class! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Your homework for Monday is to translate the story in Chapter 29, to AT LEAST line 12! Finish it if you have time. Remember, if you get stuck:
- figure out the cases of all the nouns and pronouns;
- read in chunks, stopping at conjunctions (et, quod, etc.) and verbs;
- leave a space and move on.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The homework for Thursday is 28e: figure out the appropriate relative pronoun and then translate each sentence.

The relative pronoun chart needs to be memorized. In class we talked about which forms look like forms you've already seen on other charts and which forms look new to you. You can use what you know to learn a lot of the chart!! (Hint: genitive and dative singular forms should be looking very familiar by now; neuter pronouns continue to follow the "rules".)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Your homework for Tuesday is to translate the story in chapter 28 (in the GREEN book!). The first 3 sentences should read:  It was early in the day. Aurelia was sitting in her bedroom. Two slavewomen were caring for her hair, of whom one was holding a mirror and the other was combing her hair.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

There is no homework for Thursday because of the CHAPTER TEST!! You need to know the vocabulary and principal parts of verbs, the pronouns and how to use them, and how to translate sentences from the stories and the exercises.

Here is the full translation of the story we worked on in class:

More News for Flavia from Cornelia

Yesterday Eucleides took me and the boys to the games held in the Circus Maximus. When I got up from sleep/from my nap, the boys and Eucleides had already prepared themselves. Therefore we immediately headed for the Circus. When we arrived there, our uncle had already sat down with his friends near the racetrack. Although we were not allowed to sit near the track, we were nevertheless able to see everything. After the charioteers took up their reins, Caesar himself gave the signal with the white cloth. How quickly the horses ran, for the charioteers were beating them fiercely!

All the women, senators, citizens and slaves were vigorously supporting their own teams. How loud their voices were! The boys and I were supporting our (own) teams. Sextus, that annoying boy, shouted to us again and again, "My reds will always beat your charioteers!" Although his reds won at first, my blues won often. Marcus's whites were not running well and Marcus was miserable muttering to himself. After a few contests/races, it was time to leave. While we were returning home, the boys tried to annoy me, as always, but I was able to avoid them.

When you come to the city, perhaps you'll be able to go to the chariot races with us! Will you be allowed to come to Rome soon? If your mother comes with you, my mother will be happy, because she wants to see her.

It is necessary for me to go to bed. Farewell, my friend.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The homework for Tuesday is a handout, 27h, taken from the workbook. For a copy, click here.

Please remember there is a chapter test on THURSDAY! You should be memorizing vocabulary and principal parts, as well as the pronoun charts.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The homework for Monday is to complete the handout you started in class. (Many of you were able to finish the handout IN class.) This is 27g: Personal and Reflexive Pronouns. If you find this confusing, pp. 253-255 will help.

Don't forget to begin memorizing vocabulary and principal parts of verbs in chapter 27. The chapter test will be next Thursday (May 8).

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Homework for Thursday - exercise 27d, ODD numbers only!! I don't expect your translations to be perfect but you need to do your best to determine the CASES needed for the missing pronouns.

If you are looking for more information on Hercules, or didn't take very good notes on Tuesday, here is a link to the website at Tufts University.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Homework for Tuesday: exercise 27a. This continues the work we did today on personal pronouns. Once you know the case of the missing word, you can find the correct pronoun easily on the chart above.

Today in class we went over the translation of chapter 27. Please make sure you have completed this! We began learning the personal pronouns for he, she and it (see chart on p. 254).

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Your homework for next Monday is to complete the translation of the Chapter 27 story.

I've given you the option to retake PORTIONS of the last chapter test for a higher grade. I will NOT be at tutorial next Tuesday; I will come in for tutorial on Wednesday, instead. That would be the optimum time for you to do any re-testing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

There is NO HOMEWORK for Thursday! Use the time to catch up, if you have missing work. We will begin chapter 27 on Thursday and have plenty of time to work on your Hercules translations and presentations.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Once you have memorized the hic and ille charts, try these exercises:

Choose the correct form of hic or ille to accompany the nouns below, noticing that the cases of the nouns change. If you’re not sure of the declension number or gender of the noun, see the list below.

1. this city: ________ urbs                2. this city: ________ urbem

that boy: ________ puer                   4. that boy: ________ puerum

5. this heat: ________ aestus                6. this heat: ________ aestum

7. that vehicle: ________ vehiculum             8. that vehicle: ________ vehiculō (abl.)

9. this thing: ________ rēs (nom.)                10. these things: ________ rēs (nom.)

11. those people: ________ hominēs (nom.)        12. those people: ________ hominēs (acc.)

these forests: ________ silvae                         14. these forests: ________ silvās

15. of these forests: ________ silvārum          16. these forests: ________ silvīs

urbs, urbis, f., city
puer, puerī, m. boy
aestus, aestūs, m. heat
vehiculum, -ī, n., vehicle
rēs, rēī, f., day
homō, hominis, m., man
silva, -ae, f., forest

Click here to see the answers!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I will not see you on Monday (Wednesday schedule). We have a chapter test on Tuesday, on chapters 25-26. You should know:

noun declensions, especially 4th and 5th
declensions of hic and ille
principal parts and vocabulary for the two chapters
how to translate sentences with several verb tenses (especially future perfect/future combinations!).

Come back to the blog for some practice activities!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

There is NO HOMEWORK for Thursday! Please take the time to study for the quiz (declensions of hic and ille and vocabulary from chapter 26). This would also be a good time to catch up on missing work!

In class today we completed the handout from the workbook (26d - on the other side of 26c). If you miss class, you should get the answers from Magistra - these sentences will be used on the test next Tuesday.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Homework for Tuesday is 26b in the textbook. Again, practice the forms of hic and ille first, then try the sentences without the chart!!

If you were absent on Monday, we worked on translating "Aurelia's Concern for Sextus" - the dialogue on page 243. You should start translating (we got to about line #17).

This Thursday: quiz on the declensions of hic and ille.
Next Tuesday: chapter test on chapters 25 & 26.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Your homework for Monday is to complete exercise 26c ON THE WORKSHEET (handed out in class on Thursday). Click here for a copy of the worksheet.

I strongly recommend that you start by studying the declensions of hic and ille, THEN try the homework. You will be tested next week on hic and ille and the sooner you begin to learn the forms the better you will know them.

Click here for the declension charts of hic and ille.

Don't forget on Monday to turn in your final draft of the translation of the chapter 26 story if you haven't already.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

For homework on Thursday, please finish the chapter 26 translation to the bottom of page 239 (line 23). Also, we are having a QUIZ on Thursday. You will be tested on the 4th and 5th declensions and the vocabulary in chapter 25, INCLUDING principal parts of verbs!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Homework for next TUESDAY (Monday follows a Friday schedule): translate 25d.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sorry about no post yesterday - if you have been absent, the homework for today was to finish translating the story in chapter 25.

For Thursday, please translate the sentences in 25c, #2 and #3. You'll find that the sentences all go together but don't really tell a story. They offer a lot of practice with the 4th and 5th declensions.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The chapter test on chapter 24 is on Thursday. In the previous post I gave you a list of activities with which to study.

Practicing exercises 24b, c, and d will help you prepare for the test. Try to translate the sentences, then check your work here.

Monday, March 17, 2014

I am not assigning any homework this week. We will have a chapter test on chapter 24 this Thursday. Here is a list of things I expect you to do to prepare for the test:

1) Learn all the new vocabulary by heart.
2) Learn all of the principal parts of new verbs and irregular verbs by heart.
3) Translate the story in chapter 24 by sight, checking yourself against the translation you have done for homework.
4) Translate the sentences in exercises 24b, c, and d. I will hand those back tomorrow.
5) Conjugate at least one verb from the 1st or 2nd conjugation in all 6 tenses.
6) Conjugate at least one verb from the 3rd or 4th conjugation in all 6 tenses.
7) Conjugate the irregular verbs (sum, possum, nolo, volo, eo, fero) in all 6 tenses.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

There will be a quiz on Thursday on principal parts of verbs. Click here for a list of the verbs you will need to know.

Your homework for Thursday is 24d, all sentences, just the translations. If you are in the 4th period class, you will also hand in 24c, either odd-numbered or even-numbered sentences. Please give the Latin forms, as well.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Homework for Tuesday: handout on verb conjugation. Click here for a link to the handout.

National Latin Exam will still be on Wednesday. If you are attending Henry's memorial service, please talk to me so that we can figure out another option. Thanks!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Homework for Monday:
1) Final Draft of "Always Tomorrow" in Chapter24
2) Read the handout on Hercules by Edith Hamilton
     Here is a link to the Hercules handout

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Your homework for Thursday, 3/6, is to translate the whole story, "Always Tomorrow" - the story in Chapter 24. There will be some new verb tenses to translate but you will find them in the glossary. This chapter covers the pluperfect tense ("I had seen") and the future perfect tense ("I will have seen").

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Remember, your homework for Monday is to conjugate 4 verbs from chapter 23, each one in all 4 tenses. (scroll down to Friday's post)

We also have a chapter test on Tuesday, March 4. Click here for some practice work with verb forms. Click here for the answers. I will try to add more during the weekend.

Friday, February 28, 2014

The National Latin Exam will be held on Wed., March 12, during tutorial in Room 101.

You have received a handout on the demonstrative pronouns/adjectives hic, haec, hoc and ille, illa, illud. The next chart,which has many similarities, is for relative pronouns: quī, quae, quod. Relative pronouns are, in English, this, that, which, whose, who, etc. Here are some sentences, in English, using relative pronouns:

1) My father, whose birthday is tomorrow, will be away.

2) The book that you lent me is really good.

3) Did you see my friend, who is wearing a pink sweater?

Each sentence contains a main clause and a relative clause (a subordinate clause beginning with a relative pronouns)

1) Main clause: My father will be away.
    Relative clause: whose birthday is tomorrow.
    Relative pronoun: whose, replacing my father with a genitive, to show possession. In Latin, a masculine, singular, genitive pronoun would be used, because it replaces one male (my father) and shows possession (of a birthday).

2) Main clause: The book is really good.
     Relative clause: that you lent me
    Relative pronoun: that, replacing book with an accusative to show direct object. In Latin, a masculine, singular, accusative pronoun would be used, because it replaces one male object (book) and is the direct object of lent.

3) Main clause: Did you see my friend?
    Relative clause: who is wearing a pink sweater
    Relative pronoun: who, replacing my friend with a nominative to show a subject. In Latin, a feminine, singular, nominative would be used, because it replaces one female (my friend) and is the subject of wearing.

Click here for a chart of the relative pronouns.
Click here for lots of examples of Latin usage and lots of practice translations. Here are the answers.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Your homework for Monday: pick 4 different verbs from chapter 23, then conjugate them in the present, imperfect, perfect and future tenses. "Conjugate" = give all 6 forms for that particular tense.

Here's an example, from sum, esse

Present Tense:
sum             sumus
es                estis
est               sunt

Imperfect Tense:
eram           eramus
eras             eratis
erat             erant

Future Tense:
ero              erimus
eris             eritis
erit              erunt

Perfect Tense:
fui               fuimus
fuisti           fuistis
fuit              fuērunt

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Your homework for Thursday is a handout on the future tense. Click here for a copy.

Monday, February 24, 2014

There is no homework for Tuesday but there is a QUIZ! You will need to know how to conjugate all verbs in the future tense: regular and irregular. You will need to be able to translate verb forms as well.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

There will be a quiz on the future tense next Tuesday. You will be expected to conjugate verbs in the future tense and to recognize all tenses of verbs we've learned (just as you did during the warm-up in class today).

Homework for Monday is the substantive worksheet handed out in class today. Click here for a copy of the handout. Remember, substantives are simply adjectives being used as nouns. They take the gender, number and case of the nouns they replace. P. 200 in your textbook gives a good explanation.

If you missed class on Thursday, you can see a practice quiz we did in class. We went over part of it Thursday but will continue to discuss it on Monday. Click here for a copy of the quiz.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Homework for Thursday, 2/20: translate the conversation on page 204: 23f.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Homework for Thursday:
Translate ALL of the Chapter 23 story (At the Porta Capena)

Some notes to help you:

1) Most of the story is told in the past tenses. The tenses change when Titus and Cornelius have a conversation. They use the present and future tenses with one another. The rest of the story goes back to the past tenses.

2) Figuring out the cases of nouns is the key to decoding confusing sentences. For example:
line 3- note the case of Cornelios!
line 4 - note the cases of raedas, urbem and Romanis.
line 5 - multitudinem, civium, servorum, turbam - these are NOT all the same case!

Etc. . . . .

3) In line 3 - lectica (litter) refers to the means of transportation whereby people sit in a sort of wagon, but instead of wheels, there are handles held by slaves. The slaves literally carry people around in litters (see picture on p. 198).

4) Remember that in a prepositional phrase, when a noun AND an adjective are used, the preposition is often positioned between the noun and the preposition, as in this example from line 7:
     "maximo cum gaudio" - with the greatest joy

5) In line 11 - the "quos" refers to the lecticarii - the litter-bearers

6) In line 14 - itinere is an ablative of cause

Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Snow Days!! Now that you've had a chance to relax, I hope you'll practice for the quiz tomorrow. Here is a quia.com activity to help you get ready.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Homework for Thursday: exercise 22d. Please give the noun(s) in the dative case and translate each sentence.

Pages 189-191 give very helpful information on the dative case, if you would like some additional clarification.

REMEMBER: There is a QUIZ on Thursday! The previous post has a link to the principal parts of verbs you will be quizzed on.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Your homework for Tuesday is to complete the rough draft of the story in Chapter 22: From the Inn to Rome. If it takes you a LONG time, spend 20 minutes of your best attention and bring in what you have.

On Thursday we will have a quiz on the principal parts of the verbs in Chapter 22. Click here for a list.

Click here for the vocabulary in Chapter 22.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Your homework for Monday, Feb. 3, is to translate the first 9 lines of "From the Inn to Rome" in chapter 22. IF YOU GET STUCK - figure out the case of EACH NOUN, then think about how it is being used in the sentence (subject, direct object, indirect object, possession, part of a prepositional phrase, etc.).

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Your homework tonight is the Verb Conjugation Quiz on quia.com OR the handout on verb conjugations. For the handout, click here. For the quiz, click here.

There will be a vocabulary and verb quiz on Thursday, 1/30. Click here for a handout explaining exactly what will be on the quiz.

We went over several important concepts in class today that we will be revisiting. 


This, this one (singular)

                      masc.              fem.           neuter

nom.               hic                  haec          hoc
acc.                hunc                hanc          hoc

That, that one (singular)

                     masc.              fem.            neuter

nom.            ille                   illa              illud
acc.              illum               illam           illud


This comes from a 4th declension noun: domus, domūs, f., townhouse. Just like Rōmam, which does not use a preposition when we say, "To Rome", domum does not use a preposition when we say, "going home".


The verbs at the bottom of page 183 are all compound verbs, that is, they are formed by adding a preposition to a common verb.

obsideō is from ob (because of, against) + sedeō, to sit.
cōnstituō is from con (with) + stō, stāre, to stand
trānseō is from trans (across) + eō, īre, to go
iniciō is from in (into) + iaciō, iacere, to throw
remittō is from re (back or again) + mittō, to send

Compound verbs will be addressed again soon!

We worked on a translation of "Mucius Gives a Lesson in Roman Virtue" (pp. 182-183) - we got up to line 17. We will continue translating on Thursday. We also practiced conjugating verbs in the present, imperfect and perfect tenses.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Preparation for the final exam:

The exam focuses on chapters 18-21.
You should know the VOCABULARY well - quia.com has the vocabulary by chapter.
You should know the principal parts of verbs from:
a) Unit Three
b) Chapter 21 (ALL the verbs from all the stories)

You should be able to decline nouns and adjectives from the first 3 declensions.
You should be able to conjugate verbs, including irregular verbs, in the present, imperfect and perfect tenses. I will give you the principal parts when I ask you to conjugate.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I am out sick today but will be in school tomorrow!

Today in class you were asked to:
  finish translating "Sextus Can't Sleep" (if you hadn't finished yet)
  complete a worksheet on the perfect tense (2 sides)
  conjugate, in the present, imperfect and perfect tenses: 

adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī, adiūtus, to help
timeō, timēre, timuī, to fear
volō, velle, voluī, to want

Friday, January 10, 2014

For students who are taking the National Latin Exam:

I've given you some more practice with the 4th principal parts of verbs, below. Click here for an explanation of how these are often used in Latin. Click here for the translations of the sentences.

Translate these exercises:

More exercises with the 4th principal part (the perfect passive participle):

Cornēlia, ā mātre vocāta, in cubiculum intrāvit.

Cornēlia Sextum, arborem ascendere parātum, cōnspēxit.

Lupus, ā Mārcō verberātus, fūrtim ad rīvum ambulat.

Aurēlia, ā servīs adiūta, nōn iam clāmābat.

5. Epistula, ā Cornēliō missa, omnia explicāvit.
IMPORTANT DATE: All semester I work must be turned in by January 21, 2014.

The homework for Monday is to do as much of the translation of "Sextus can't Sleep" (chapter 21) as possible. If you would like to work from a typed text, click here.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Your homework for Tuesday, 1/7, is to translate the story "Murder!" to the bottom of page 173. We'll be working on the second part on Tuesday in class.

Please begin memorizing the principal parts of verbs on pages 173 & 174. There will be a verb quiz on Thursday!