For students who are taking the National Latin Exam:
I've given you some more practice with the 4th principal parts of verbs, below. Click here for an explanation of how these are often used in Latin. Click here for the translations of the sentences.
Translate these exercises:
More exercises with the 4th principal part (the perfect passive participle):
Cornēlia, ā mātre vocāta, in cubiculum intrāvit.
Cornēlia Sextum, arborem ascendere parātum, cōnspēxit.
Lupus, ā Mārcō verberātus, fūrtim ad rīvum ambulat.
Aurēlia, ā servīs adiūta, nōn iam clāmābat.
5. Epistula, ā Cornēliō missa, omnia explicāvit.