Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Homework for Thursday:
Translate ALL of the Chapter 23 story (At the Porta Capena)

Some notes to help you:

1) Most of the story is told in the past tenses. The tenses change when Titus and Cornelius have a conversation. They use the present and future tenses with one another. The rest of the story goes back to the past tenses.

2) Figuring out the cases of nouns is the key to decoding confusing sentences. For example:
line 3- note the case of Cornelios!
line 4 - note the cases of raedas, urbem and Romanis.
line 5 - multitudinem, civium, servorum, turbam - these are NOT all the same case!

Etc. . . . .

3) In line 3 - lectica (litter) refers to the means of transportation whereby people sit in a sort of wagon, but instead of wheels, there are handles held by slaves. The slaves literally carry people around in litters (see picture on p. 198).

4) Remember that in a prepositional phrase, when a noun AND an adjective are used, the preposition is often positioned between the noun and the preposition, as in this example from line 7:
     "maximo cum gaudio" - with the greatest joy

5) In line 11 - the "quos" refers to the lecticarii - the litter-bearers

6) In line 14 - itinere is an ablative of cause