Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Latin I:
Please translate the first 10 lines of chapter 11 for homework for Friday. You will encounter several genitive case forms. Examples: Cornelii in line 2, domini in line 3, servorum and ancillarum in line 4. The genitive shows possession and can be translated as Cornelius's or of Cornelius; the master's or of the master, and of slaves and slavewomen, respectively.

Latin II:
Homework for Friday is 26 b and c. HOWEVER, you do not have to do all of them!! For 26b, please do the even-numbered sentences. For 26c, please do the odd-numbered sentences. It would be a good idea to go over the declension of hic, haec, hoc the way we did in class: hic haec hoc, huius huius huius, huic huic huic, etc.