Latin I: NO homework this weekend! If you did poorly on the prepositional phrase part of the quiz, you should be learning the prepositional chart (know which prepositions take the accusative case and which take the ablative case). We are heading toward a chapter test on chapters 9-10, to be given either next Friday or the following week. (I will let you know on Monday.)
Latin II: Homework this weekend: EITHER
A) NLE practice: read the story, answer the questions, translate lines 6-8 (start in the middle of line 6).
OR B) decline: tertius dies, tertii diei and parva manus, parva manus
conjugate absum, abesse, afui, afuturus in all 6 tenses: present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect and future perfect.
REMINDER: The National Latin Exam will be given on Tuesday, March 12, during tutorial, in the library. Please be prompt!! If you registered for the exam and do not want to take it, let me know and I will see if anyone wants to take your place.