Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Latin I: Your projects are due on Friday!! The extra credit assignment, 11b, must be turned in on Friday.

Latin II: There is a quiz on hic, haec, hoc and ille, illa, illud on Friday. No other homework for Friday.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Latin I: No homework - work on your project!

Latin II: Please decline: hic praedo, huius praedonis; haec manus, huius manus (with a macron over that last u); hoc atrium, hoc atrii

Friday, March 15, 2013

Latin I: Homework for Monday: finish translating chapter 11 story.

Latin II: Homework for Monday: finish translating the story Aurelia's Concern for Sextus (26e). Keep reviewing the declensions of hic and ille!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Latin I:
Please translate the first 10 lines of chapter 11 for homework for Friday. You will encounter several genitive case forms. Examples: Cornelii in line 2, domini in line 3, servorum and ancillarum in line 4. The genitive shows possession and can be translated as Cornelius's or of Cornelius; the master's or of the master, and of slaves and slavewomen, respectively.

Latin II:
Homework for Friday is 26 b and c. HOWEVER, you do not have to do all of them!! For 26b, please do the even-numbered sentences. For 26c, please do the odd-numbered sentences. It would be a good idea to go over the declension of hic, haec, hoc the way we did in class: hic haec hoc, huius huius huius, huic huic huic, etc.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Latin I: There is no homework for Wednesday because of the chapter test.
Click here for the practice test handed out Monday.
Click here for the answers. This is a good overview of what you'll need to know on Wed.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Latin II: Here is another review sheet that will help you tomorrow on the National Latin Exam.
Click here for some practice activities from past tests. Answers will be posted tonight!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Latin I: There is no homework over the weekend. We are having a CHAPTER TEST next WEDNESDAY on chapters 9 & 10. I will be putting more activities on (see link, upper right-hand corner) for practice. Feel free to do further research on your project for Jason and the Argonauts.

Latin II: Homework is to finish the chapter 26 translation. Click here if you were absent on Friday and want a preview of hic and ille!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

NLE is next Tuesday, March 12, during Tutorial in the Library. Please arrive promptly. There are NO MAKEUP times for this test!

Latin I:

Click here for an overview of the verb tenses you will find on the National Latin Exam. These are tenses we have NOT covered in class.

For some practice questions with verbs from past tests, click here.

stay tuned for more review work!!

Latin II:

Click here for an overview of the passive voice. There will certainly be questions about the passive voice on the NLE.

For some practice questions with verbs from past tests, click here
Here are the answers.
Latin I: NO homework for Fri. Use this time to review prepositional phrases, chapters 9 and 10 vocabulary, and to make up missing or incomplete homework.

Latin II: NO homework for Fri. We will be starting chapter 26 on Friday (a LONG chapter!).

Monday, March 4, 2013

Jason assignments:  There are two map-makers for each class - we will have several maps to look at!

5th period assignments

6th period assignments

Latin I: Homework is 10d.  You are being asked for 4 forms of the imperative (command) for each verb. Positive commands are when you ask someone to do something (see upper left-hand corner of page 74). Negative commands are when you ask someone NOT to do something (see upper right-hand corner of page 74).

You have to know two things in order to form the imperative: one) the conjugation number of the verb and two) how many people you are addressing. Commands to one person are different than commands given to more than one person. Note also that there are some irregular forms of common imperatives. These are given to you on page 74.

Latin II: No homework - chapter test on Wednesday (chapter 25). You should study the vocabulary, principal parts of new verbs, the partitive genitive and the 4th and 5th declensions.


If you are taking the National Latin Exam, there is a website you should know about!! This link will take you to the archive of National Latin Exams, with answer keys!! The passages are even translated for you!

Review sessions this week:

Latin I: Tuesday - tutorial; Thursday at lunch. All in Room 101.

Latin II: Monday at lunch; Wednesday at lunch. All in Room 101.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Latin I: NO homework this weekend! If you did poorly on the prepositional phrase part of the quiz, you should be learning the prepositional chart (know which prepositions take the accusative case and which take the ablative case). We are heading toward a chapter test on chapters 9-10, to be given either next Friday or the following week. (I will let you know on Monday.)

Latin II: Homework this weekend: EITHER

A) NLE practice: read the story, answer the questions, translate lines 6-8 (start in the middle of line 6).

OR B) decline: tertius dies, tertii diei and parva manus, parva manus
           conjugate absum, abesse, afui, afuturus in all 6 tenses: present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect and future perfect.

REMINDER: The National Latin Exam will be given on Tuesday, March 12, during tutorial, in the library. Please be prompt!!  If you registered for the exam and do not want to take it, let me know and I will see if anyone wants to take your place.