Your homework for Monday is to finish the ROUGH DRAFT of the translation of "Settling In", the story in chapter 19. The final draft will be due Thursday, Nov. 21, and will be considered an "assignment" (worth more points).
Please come back to this post, as I will be adding review exercises! If you are looking for more review, remember to scroll down through previous posts, as most of them contain review exercises. Today I will be adding more noun/adjective declension practice, as well as some verb practice.
Noun/declension practice:
Decline māter pulchra, mātris pulchrae, beautiful mother; canis incolumis, canis incolumis, unhurt dog; and omne vehiculum, omnis vehiculī, every vehicle/all vehicles. For the answers, click here.
Verb Practice:
Give the tense and a translation for each verb. Choose from present tense, imperfect tense and perfect tense:
1. erant 2. parāvit
3. possum 4. ambulābās
5. dormiēbāmus 6. timent
7. habuērunt 8. habēbam
9. dormīvit 10. poterātis
For the answers, click here.