Saturday, November 30, 2013

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! After a wonderful dinner, planting about 100 tulip bulbs and removing a (live) squirrel from the crawl space behind my bedroom closet, I am ready to think about the lovely Latin language again.

Here is a practice for the principal parts of verbs from Unit Three: click here. Click here for the answers.

For practice translating and using different verb tenses, click here. Click here for the answers.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Noun Case Review

Many of you are successfully learning the noun and adjective declensions, but have a hard time identifying the case and its purpose in sentences. Here is a review exercise for you:

Translate, then give the case and purpose of the italicized nouns:

1. Omnēs arborēs silvae sunt magnae.

2. Dāvus īrātus baculum arripit et Getam baculō verberat.

3. Iter est longum et Sextus sedēre nōn iam vult.

4. Toga Mārcī est sordida et Aurēlia eum reprehendit.

5. "Cavē, scelestī," magnā vōce exclāmat.

6. "Nēmō meam caupōnam reprehendit," exclāmit brevī rīsū caupō. (rīsus, rīsūs is a 4th declension noun meaning laugh/smile - rīsū is the ablative case)

7.  Iter Rōmam Cornēlius saepe faciēbat.

8. Cornēlia est puella Rōmana, quae in villā rūsticā aestāte habitat.

9. Nōmen meae sororis est Iūlia.

10. Brevī tempore Mārcus et Sextus ad caupōnam adveniunt.

Click here for the answers.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

There is no homework during the Thanksgiving Break! However, I would strongly encourage you to keep up with your Latin because December will be a busy month. You have a long list of principal parts to learn (click here for the list) and they are not easy to learn at the last minute.

Suggestions for learning principal parts:
1) make flashcards, similar to the ones we used in class
2) use quia (look for the Unit Three folder)
3) practice saying them aloud
4) practice writing them
5) learn them in groups:
       the -avi group
       the -ivi group
       the -ui group


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Remember, there will be a quiz on Thursday on certain verbs and their principal parts (see previous post and your class notes). The final draft of the translation for chapter 19 is also due on Thursday.

If you would like to review irregular verb conjugations, both present and imperfect tenses, I've put all the exercises together in one folder, "Latin II Irregular Verbs".

Monday, November 18, 2013

You have no homework for Tuesday but your final draft of the translation of the Chapter 19 story is due on Thursday, Nov. 21.

There will be a verb quiz on Nov. 21 on these verbs:

parō, parāre
intrō, intrāre
habeō, habēre
timeō, timuī
mittō, mittere
trahō, trahere
audiō, audīre
sum, esse

You will need to know the 4 principal parts (timeō only has 3) and the translation of the infinitive. I will give you the first principal part (the one ending in -o).
These verbs are part of the list for Unit Three.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Your homework for Monday is to finish the ROUGH DRAFT of the translation of "Settling In", the story in chapter 19. The final draft will be due Thursday, Nov. 21, and will be considered an "assignment" (worth more points).

Please come back to this post, as I will be adding review exercises! If you are looking for more review, remember to scroll down through previous posts, as most of them contain review exercises. Today I will be adding more noun/adjective declension practice, as well as some verb practice.

Noun/declension practice:

Decline māter pulchra, mātris pulchrae, beautiful mother;  canis incolumis, canis incolumis, unhurt dog; and omne vehiculum, omnis vehiculī, every vehicle/all vehicles. For the answers, click here.

Verb Practice:

Give the tense and a translation for each verb. Choose from present tense, imperfect tense and perfect tense:

1. erant                             2. parāvit

3. possum                        4. ambulābās

5. dormiēbāmus               6. timent

7. habuērunt                    8. habēbam

9. dormīvit                    10. poterātis

For the answers, click here.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You have no homework for Thursday. I strongly urge you to practice adjective/noun declensions if you had any trouble at all on the test!

Try declining servus fortis, servī fortis (masc.) and omne silentium, omnis silentiī (neuter). When you've finished, check your work by clicking here.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Please read through pages 150-151 before next Tuesday. You will see an introduction to the Perfect Tense of verbs. Take some notes, using the three headings: Present Tense, Imperfect Tense and Perfect Tense. Put some information under each heading. What is similar and different among the three tenses?

Practice verb conjugations, if this is a weak area for you!

conjugate in the PRESENT tense:
amo, amare,  timeo, timere (2nd) and curro, currere (3rd)

conjugate in the IMPERFECT tense:
rideo, ridere (2nd), scribo, scribere (3rd) and audio, audire

Click here for the answers!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

TEST tomorrow!

Click here for the English translations of Davus to the Rescue and Uncle Titus.

Use to memorize the vocabulary for chapters 17 and 18 and be sure to practice declining nouns and adjectives.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Two Things:

I - Please register for the Reed College Latin Forum! Click here for the registration page. 

II - 7 Kings of Rome: Sources

this is fun:

Here is one of the main sources I used for the packets about the kings:

The other go-to site is this one:

I also think wikipedia is a useful source for this subject.
Your homework for Tuesday (Monday we are on a Friday schedule) is to finish the translation of the chapter 18 story.

The Unit Two chapter test will be held on Thursday, Nov. 7, covering chapters 17 & 18. Check the Learning Targets for Unit Two for a full list of what you will be expected to know.

Your 7 Kings of Rome project is due on Tuesday. I know we've had lots of interruptions - if you're not able to complete the project by Tuesday, please be ready to show me your progress so far and a final date when you'll have it done (not later than Nov. 14, please).