Latin I: Homework for Friday is a worksheet to practice noun endings. Click here for a copy of the worksheet.
I have given you the GENITIVE forms of nouns, because the genitive singular tells you 2 things: 1) which declension the noun belongs to and 2) how to form the other forms. For instance, the genitive form of vox is vocis. The -is ending indicates the 3rd declension and the form tells me to change the x to a c and then add the other endings.
You are going to use the genitive forms to determine the declension of the noun (1st, 2nd or 3rd) and then you will give the nominative plural, both accusatives, both ablatives and both vocatives for each noun. Remember that the vocative is always the same as the nominative, unless the nominative ends in -us or -ius.
Latin II: Test on Friday on Chapter 24.