Friday, December 14, 2012

Latin III:
Click here for a translation of Dinner Preparations, the chapter 32 story.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Latin I:
Complete the last page of the study guide you received today in class. We will quickly correct the questions, then go right to the chapter test. Don't forget that is a great study tool! Link is on the left.

Latin II:
Click here tonight for answers to the study guide. Test on Friday. Don't forget to use flashcards for the principal parts of verbs and (link to left).

Monday, December 10, 2012

Latin I:  your homework is to complete the chart on Greek and Roman gods and goddesses using the information on p. 69 of your textbook. Click here for a copy of the chart.

Remember: there is a test on Friday on chapters 6 & 7. There is a link to at the right of the blog page.

Latin II:

Test on Friday! Optional extra credit translation: story in Review IV.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Latin I:

Your homework is to finish the translation of the chapter 7 story. Remember, we have learned some new accusative case endings (used for direct objects):

The plural of puellam is puellas.
The plural of servum is servos.
The plural of arborem is arbores.

Also, many of the sentences in this story begin with the direct object. You will have to figure out what the whole sentence means in English before you begin to write; otherwise you will end up with a sentence that doesn't make sense!

Latin II:

Your homework is to translate the story Sextus Can't Sleep.

There is also a quiz on Friday on principal parts of verbs. Here is an activity on to help you study!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Latin I:

The homework for Wed. is to complete the handout (on the back of Monday's warm-up). Here is a link to the homework and here is a link to the warm-up, including the chart showing adjective endings. It can help you with the assignment!

Latin II:

Work on memorizing principal parts of verbs for the quiz on Friday.

Latin III:

We are meeting regularly on Tuesday (lunch) and Friday (after school). We will revisit this schedule after Winter Break and adjust, if needed. I do have one schedule change: on Dec. 14, the last school day before Winter Break, we will meet at lunch instead of after school.

Last week we concentrated on verb conjugation, active voice, the 6 tenses. We translated several passages. Click here for a translation of In Via Sacra.

This week we are looking at the passive voice, all 6 tenses. We will also be translating.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Latin I:

Homework for Monday is exercise 6a. Please write a complete sentence in Latin to answer the each question. Remember that you are a) practicing the question words in Latin and b) practicing the vocabulary in chapter 6.

We will begin working on chapter 7 next week. The test before Winter Break (Friday, Dec. 18) will cover chapters 6 & 7.

Latin II:

Homework for Monday is the translation of the main story in chapter 21. There is no new grammar in Chapter 21. We are practicing the perfect tense and memorizing more principal parts of verbs.